President Ilham Aliyev’s interview with local TV channels in Romanian media spotlight
Bucharest, January 10, AZERTAC
The Romanian media outlets have widely covered the remarks made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev during his interview with local TV channels.
"AGERPRES" national news agency, "MediaFax" private news agency, "Pro Tv", "Digi24 Tv" and "Realitatea TV", "", "", "Adevarul", "Evenimentul Zilei" ", "Primanews", "Forbes", "Capital" and other publications posted articles highlighting President Ilham Aliyev’s interview.
The news portals quoted the Azerbaijani President as saying: “Arming Armenia will simply lead to new tensions. We do not want this. We want peace. We want the war page to be closed. However, we see that both Armenia itself and its new patrons do not want this. They live with ideas of revenge, and Armenia is actually a source of threat to the region. The independent Armenian state is actually a fascist state. Because if this country has been led by proponents of fascist ideology for nearly 30 years, they have shaped this country the way they did. Therefore, fascism must be destroyed. Either the Armenian leadership will destroy it or we will. We have no other choice.”
The articles also highlighted remarks by Azerbaijani President regarding the Zangezur corridor, as saying: “Armenia should not act as a geographical barrier between Türkiye and Azerbaijan. The Zangezur corridor must and will be opened.”
Igbal Hajiyev
Special correspondent
Azerbaijan, Türkiye hold political consultations