Azerbaijani scientist makes report at international conference in Prague
Baku, August 30, AZERTAC
The 26th General Conference of the International Council of Museums was held on August 20-28 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Public Organization for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and Historical Monuments "GASR" (Castle), First Deputy Chairman and Member of the Board of ICOMAM (Committee of Military History, Military Museums and Weapons Collections), Doctor philosophy on history Parvin Gozalov took part at the meeting of the International Committee of ICOMAM, where he is a member of the Board, and made a report on “Museums as custodians of military history on the example of museums in Azerbaijan, Turkiye and Russia". At the beginning of his speech, Parvin Gozalov noted that as a result of the historic victory of the armed forces of Azerbaijan, the Commander-in-Chief and the people of Azerbaijan in the Second Karabakh War (09/27/2020-11/08/2020), the historical lands of Azerbaijan, occupied by Armenia for 30 years, were liberated. As a result of a tripartite agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation and Armenia, a ceasefire agreement was adopted, and the Azerbaijani historical lands remaining in occupation were returned to Azerbaijan without a fight, and this event is the capitulation of Armenia. It was noted that, as a result of the historic victory of Azerbaijan, stability and development in the region meet the interests of major powers. The report then highlighted the genetic similarity of the historical banners of Azerbaijan, which is a clear proof of the history of statehood, with the banners of the Ganja Khanate and the banners of the Ottoman Empire. On August 25, within the framework of the General Conference, the members of the ICOMAM International Committee in the city of Lesany, 35 km from Prague, were visually and comprehensively informed about "Military equipment" (Tanks, military aircraft, rockets and artillery).
The International Council of Museums has over 45,000 members from 141 countries, 126 national committees and 30 international committees. Within the framework of the 26th General Conference of the International Council of Museums - ICOM, at the meeting of the General Assembly on August 24, Emma Nardi was elected President of ICOM by a majority of votes.
At the 26th General Conference of the International Council of Museums, the following “new concept of museums” was adopted: “A museum is a non-profit, permanent organization in the service of society that studies, collects, protects, interprets and exhibits tangible values” and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible-inclusive museums contribute to the diversity and resilience of society. They function and promote ethical communication, professionally and with community participation, offering a variety of experiences for education, spiritual enjoyment, and the exchange of ideas and knowledge.”
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